Union of Steward Employee Owners (USEO)

Fair employment, for all.

The 60-second Pitch

“We can all see things aren’t working.

Our collective desire for a beautiful future is being pulled off course by the short-sighted pursuit of profit. Enormous wealth and power is being concentrated in the hands of a tiny minority, at the expense of the majority and our planet.

We need something different and decisive. And we need it now.

Imagine a world where wealth and control is shared with the majority who actually do the work. Where the 27 million employees who make up the backbone of the UK economy have a voice and share in the value they create.

These employees would be owners – not just workers – able to consider people and the planet alongside profit. In short, they would become ‘Stewards’: taking care of their companies, communities and the environment while enjoying richer, fuller and more equitable careers.

Society would look and feel very different. Better. Fairer.

The Union of Steward Employee Owners (USEO) combines philanthropy and Employee Ownership (EO) into a membership organisation that does just one thing: acquires UK businesses (called ‘Peers’) to give them to their employees, at no cost. In doing so USEO improves the working conditions of employees, maximises the positive impact of business and improves our prospects as a species. It’s a simple and scalable model that once started is very difficult to stop. See Fig.1 below.

The capital to start this flywheel comes from visionary companies pledging at least 1% of turnover and individual donors. Krystal (my first attempt at leaving the world a better place than I found it) will pledge up to 5% of its turnover to support the USEO’s running costs. This means 100% of your contributions will be used for acquiring Peers and upraising employees into employee owners.

I hope you’ll take the USEO Pledge and help tweak capitalism so that it works for the 99% too.”

Simon Blackler, USEO Architect

(Connect on LinkedIn)

How does the USEO model work?

The USEO is a membership company, limited by guarantee (not shares - so can’t be sold). It’s funded by 2 distinct groups who donate money philanthropically to a collective fund;

i) Companies taking the USEO Pledge, agree to donate at least 1% of their turnover, committing to a term between 1 and 10 years. Any pledge at or over 3, 5 or 10 years is deemed an ‘EPIC’ (‘Extraordinary Pledge, Increased Commitment’), unlocking an exclusive badge style. Taking the pledge confers membership of the USEO and the right to take part in governance.

ii) Individuals passionate about Employee Ownership (EO), improving wealth equality, strengthening communities and protecting the planet can also donate as ‘Supporters’, either as a monthly subscription or one-off.

The fund is used exclusively to acquire UK businesses and convert them into Employee Ownership (EO) through the use of an Equal Employee Ownership Trust (E=EOT). This keeps the benefits of both wealth creation and fair taxation within the UK.

During the acquisition the USEO makes a series of changes to improve the Peer. These include modifying the Articles to provide clarity on the Purpose & Mission, qualifying the Directors Duties to balance profit with people and planet and improving Accountability & Transparency. The USEO also appoints a ‘Guardian’ Director to provide a permanent connection and point of contact between the Peer and USEO.

Then the USEO gifts 51% of the shares to an Equal Employee Ownership Trust (E=EOT) that holds the benefits of ownership and profit sharing on behalf of the employees, now employee owners. The E=EOT has a board with three representatives; one from the new employee owners, one from the USEO and one independent industry expert that’s respected by both parties. The 51% gifted to employees costs nothing – it is participation without investment. The USEO itself retains 49%.

Whenever the Peer has surplus profits, they are split between the employee owners and the USEO 51%/49%. Profits are paid to employee owners as a bonus via payroll in a tax efficient manner (see below for more details). The USEO’s share of profits is paid as a dividend and used exclusively to fund more Peer acquisitions, upraising more employees into owners.

If you’re interested in becoming a USEO Peer use this form to put your company forward.

USEO provides guidance, training and support to help Peers both on their transition to EO and also to help improve their performance as a business.

Every employee shares in profits equally, regardless of position, tenure or salary (though part time vs full time is accounted for). One immediate benefit of the E=EOT is up to £3,600 a year of income per employee, tax free. (Under current legislation.)

But that’s the least of the improvements we aim to be able to make together to improve employee welfare. Employee owners now have an active voice and can get involved on a wide range of topics that affect them, including; working times, holiday allowance and pay, pension selection, parental leave or even dogs in the office!

Traditional investors typically work on a 5-7 year fund cycle before they need to return profits to investors. But the USEO is not a traditional investor because it gets its money from generous philanthropic companies and individuals. As a result USEO can act very differently, becoming a perennial partner truly aligned with the employee owners and able to support decisions that maximise long-term benefit for all.

USEO will ‘follow-along’ on any shareholder votes, effectively giving full control of the company to the employee owners with their 51% stake. One example of when USEO would oppose a vote is if a proposal would reduce or dilute employees below 51%. USEO has gone to considerable effort and expense to create beneficial employee ownership not just for this generation, but future ones too. Should capital need to be raised USEO will always ensure that employee owners remain at or above 51%.

The Pledge – 1% of Turnover


Pledge at least 1% of turnover each quarter via a simple 1-page Deed, for a minimum of 1 year. That's it.

Pick your start quarter based on your existing VAT schedule. Complete your VAT return as normal then either upload your VAT return or enter the box 6 value in the portal.

100% of proceeds go towards acquiring ‘Peers’ and upraising employees.


You can vary your Pledge % up and down if needed. Pick a fixed amount or a fixed %.

Pay once, twice or three times a quarter on whichever day of the month works best for your cashflow. Your Pledge will be collected automatically by Direct Debit.


Members have a public profile which they can use to showcase their commitment to clients and prospects, including average % pledge and which Peers they’ve been involved in funding.

The USEO will publish reports every six months, in March and October, to show how money was spent and what impact was achieved.


You’ll become a voting member of the Union for as long as you’re pledging.

To ensure that we can’t be captured by large companies every member has an equal share of voice: One Member One Vote (OMOV).

Ready to take action?Take the Pledge

What will my donations be spent on?

All money received – whether from Pledges, donations or dividends – will be spent on one thing; acquiring UK businesses that are good candidates for employee ownership (EO), and then helping those businesses on their EO journey. We call these ‘Peers’.

Krystal’s Pledge entirely covers the USEO’s operating expenses for the first 100 members. Pledge money from Krystal will go into 1 bank account (“OPEX Krystal”) and all expenses will come out of that account.

100% of Pledge monies received from other Members and individual Supporters will go into the separate “Peer Acquisition Fund (PAF)” bank account.

Supported by these great members

EPIC (‘Extraordinary Pledge, Incredible Commitment’)

Dip your toe with a 1 year contract, or if you’re a fan of what we’re doing consider an ‘EPIC’. Available in 3 different flavours; 3, 5, and 10 years, EPICs allow us to confidently build a pipeline of Peers for acquisition.

How can I support the USEO?

Become a USEO Member
Put your company forward as a potential Peer
Become a Supporter (for individuals)
  • UK registered company
  • Trading at least 2 years
  • VAT-registered

Your business does not currently need to be, or considering, employee ownership, to become a member.

The first 100 members will get an exclusive ‘Founders’ badge

Take The USEO Pledge!
  • UK registered company
  • Minimum 10 UK staff
  • Trading over 3 years
  • Want to become employee owned (EO)
  • Profitable
  • Standalone, or if part of a group willing for the entire group to transition

Members skip the queue and get a half price Fair Market Valuation (FMV)

Nominate company for Peer
  • Must be a UK tax payer
Subscribe or donate

Benefits of becoming a Member

Every £1 pledged helps grow a new economic model, creating a virtuous cycle where business directly improves people’s lives. Employee owners earn fairly and pay UK taxes and their businesses strengthen local economies, rather than exporting wealth overseas. This helps build prosperous and resilient communities here in the UK where future generations can thrive.

You're not just joining another network. Instead, you’re pioneering an alternative to shareholder capitalism that benefits the many, not the few. USEO plays within the capitalist system (as we believe that’s not going to change fast enough) but changes the outcomes to make wealth work for all people, communities and the planet.

Members have an equal share of voice, ‘One Member One Vote’ and every employee is treated equally under the Equal Employee Ownership Trust (E=EOT), regardless of tenure, salary or position. Equality is such an important tenet to us that eagle-eyed observers might have spotted the equals sign in our logo!

Easily track the positive societal impact your pledges are making via your public profile, which shows your average contribution as a percentage (but never actual turnover), which Peers you’ve helped acquire and how many employees you’ve helped upraise. Members can see how other members have voted on governance issues.

A 1-page Deed, for as little as 1-year, and 100% of proceeds towards turning employees into owners. There’s nothing else as simple and effective you can do to tackle wealth inequality.

“Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. We are the change that we seek.”
– Barack Obama
Become a Member todayTake the Pledge

Benefits of the USEO Peer Employee Ownership model

Nobody knows your business better than the people who work there. Employee-owned businesses report significantly higher job satisfaction, are 8-12% more productive and grow revenues 25% faster (Employee Ownership Association). By choosing USEO, you're securing your company's future in the hands of those who understand it best, reducing churn and creating a more resilient business that benefits both current and future employees.

Unlike traditional EO transitions where employees wait years for 'Freedom Day', USEO enables profit sharing from day one. We match or exceed trade buyer terms while gifting 51% to your employees at zero cost to them. No lengthy earn-outs, no employee debt, just immediate shared success and motivation.

Get the best of both worlds – the same or better valuation you'd expect from a trade buyer, plus significant tax benefits. The 51% portion gifted to your team carries no tax, meaning you'll typically take home more than from a traditional sale. It's a win-win that rewards both your years of building the business and your employees' future commitment.

From day one, USEO provides comprehensive guidance, including new employee owner training, governance frameworks, and ongoing support. We help create workplaces where every employee understands their role as an owner and steward of the business, fostering cultures of shared purpose and success.

Your exit should work for you and your business. Unlike some exits that require owners to leave, selling to USEO lets you stay, providing the rest of the company wants that too, of course!


Acquiring businesses is a well-worn path and not a novel feature of the USEO. While we will be recruiting a dedicated M&A team once fully up and running in the interim I’ll handle acquisitions to keep costs down. I have personally executed 12 acquisitions to date, all of which have been successful long-term purchases.

Nominate Peer Candidate


Can’t find the answer you’re looking for? Reach out to our team who can help.

The Union of Steward Employee Owners (USEO) is an initiative aimed at creating a more equitable distribution of wealth by providing the mechanism, money and training to enable employees to own the majority of the companies they work in. It operates by acquiring businesses and transitioning them to Employee Ownership (EO), funded by charitable ‘Pledges’ from Member companies.

USEO stands out in several key ways:

  • Self-reinforcing model: Our approach creates a flywheel effect. As we acquire more businesses and transition them to employee ownership, we generate more revenue, which in turn allows us to acquire more businesses. This creates a self-sustaining cycle of funding and positive change.
  • Addressing root causes: While many charities do noble work, they often focus on addressing symptoms of societal issues. USEO aims to tackle a root cause of many of the issues we face: wealth inequality. We do this by changing the fundamental structure of business ownership.
  • Focussed power: Unlike many initiatives that spread resources thinly across various areas, USEO concentrates its efforts and resources on just one thing: acquiring UK businesses and giving them over to their employees.
  • Democratic and simple: USEO operates a membership model that is straightforward and democratic. Every member has an equal voice, and both contributions and proceeds are shared transparently.
  • Long-term vision: We're not looking for quick fixes. Our goal is to create lasting change in how businesses operate and how wealth is distributed, with a vision extending to 2050 and beyond.
  • Scalability: Our model is designed to grow and scale, capable of transforming the entire economy over time.

By focusing on these principles, USEO aims to create deep, systemic change rather than just temporary relief. We're not just treating symptoms – we're working to cure the underlying disease of wealth inequality in a sustainable way.

While both initiatives involve companies donating 1% of turnover, USEO concentrates all of those donations (plus funds from individual Supporters) under one membership organisation and uses them exclusively to increase employee ownership.

Rather than supporting specific environmental causes (which we’re also highly supportive of!) USEO aims to fundamentally replace parasitic capitalism with equitable capitalism and balance wealth more evenly throughout society, the expectation is that this will have cascading myriad benefits for people and planet.

No. USEO is a membership company, limited by guarantee (not shares - so can’t be sold). It is a legal structure that is regularly used by non-profits and those seeking to make a positive impact, as it supports transparency and protection.

At USEO, all money received – whether from Pledges, donations or dividends – will be spent on just one thing; acquiring UK businesses that are good candidates for employee ownership (EO), and then helping those businesses on their EO journey.

We are completely transparent - publishing reports every six months, in March and October, to show how money was spent and what impact was achieved.

“Create equality. Protect Earth. Save humanity.”

Our vision is intentionally bold.

The Union of Steward Employee Owners (USEO) provides a blueprint to unify capital, power and purpose into one simple self-reinforcing model that’s intrinsically fair.

It creates equitable capitalism by transferring money and power into the hands of the tens of millions of employees who make up the backbone of the UK economy.

At USEO we want to alter capitalism to something that benefits all people, improves the working conditions of employees, maximises the positive impact of business, creates fairer, more equitable societies and massively improves the chances that we pass on a liveable home to future generations.

Ultimately, the end game is that we inspire, or compel, the handful of asset management companies that own the majority of the world's employees, to turn over at least 51% of those companies to the people working there (or sell them to us, and we’ll do it!).

Our aim is to make majority employee ownership the default model for business across the world.

The money raised by USEO is used exclusively to acquire UK businesses (called a ‘Peer’) and convert them into employee owned businesses through the use of an Equal Employee Ownership Trust (E=EOT) legal structure.

In the cases where the previous owners were foreign this immediately brings the benefits of both wealth creation and fair taxation within the UK.

During the acquisition we make a series of changes to improve the Peer. These include modifying the Articles to provide clarity on the Purpose & Mission, qualifying the Directors Duties to balance profit with people and planet and improving Accountability & Transparency. USEO also appoints a ‘Guardian’ Director to provide a permanent connection between the Peer and USEO.

We accept money from companies, and individuals. Companies need to be at least 2 years old and VAT registered to Pledge. They become members of USEO. Individuals are also welcome to contribute, either monthly or one-off. For administrative reasons individuals don’t become members.

As a matter of principle it is worth stating that we intentionally do not refuse money from any legal source. That’s because we are absolutely confident (and so can you be) that money donated towards USEO will be used for only one purpose: to acquire Peers and make them majority employee owned. That has such positive benefits for society and the planet that it can’t be net negative to accept the money.

We are completely transparent about our spending, publish biannual reports that track use of funds and the positive impact made, including the number of employees upraised.

Our CEO Simon Blackler has led 12 successful acquisitions at Krystal (the USEO Guardian Member). In each case, the acquired companies have been commercial successes, contributing many times their acquisition cost back. More importantly, the individuals in those companies have stayed on to work alongside Simon which gives us confidence that the same thing can be done again.

In the future the intention is to have a dedicated M&A team led by a Chief Acquisition Officer (CAO) but initially to keep costs down you’re stuck with ole’ Simon!

Our target is to announce the first Peer acquisition by the end of 2025. So within a year of launching USEO.

We anticipate that the act of creating USEO and sharing our vision will resonate with a subset of the business community who may have already been contemplating EO, looking to exit, or both. There’s a form on the site for potential Peers to express their interest in USEO exit.

Come meet us in person!

So you’ve read through the site, understand the mission and mechanism, tried out the portal and checked out the Community. You like the cut of our gib but want to see the whites of our eyes before you take the plunge? You’re in luck! We’ve got a series of events around the country where you can meet us in person;

January 15th –16th
Better Business Summit, Manchester
March 26th –28th
Anthropy, Cornwall
April 30th
The Water Cooler, Excel London
October 15th –17th
Blue Earth Summit, Woolwich, London
November 1st
EOA Conference, Midlands

Meet the team

Simon Blackler

Architect & Chief Executive Officer

John O’Brien MBE

